Accessible novels, picture books and chapter books

Looking for accessible books that can be read with text-to-speech?

There are multiple options for EMSB students!

The EMSB Virtual Library offers enhanced, read-aloud books with narrated voice and highlighting, as well as audiobooks, provided by the platforms Tumblecloud, Tumblebooks and OverDrive (for Secondary-only). An OverDrive enhanced and audiobook collection for elementary students is in development.

Teachers can improve students’ access to these collections by printing off the Enhanced eBooks List and placing it in a central location in their classrooms or school libraries Teachers and librarians may also want to take advantage of Replica QR Cards to facilitate student browsing and sampling of e-books.  (Instruct the printer to size 4 cards per sheet, front and back.)

For more information, please contact the librarians in ETS.

CELA and Bookshare’s Educator Access Program

The Educator Access Program gives eligible students FREE access to online libraries of alternate format materials, including digital audiobooks and e-books that can be read with text-to-speech tools.

Who is eligible?

  • Students who have a physical, visual or learning disability that prevents them from reading print.
  • A student with a “learning disability” must have difficulty with decoding or reading fluency as stated in his/her IEP. A student is not required to have a code.
  • Students with other diagnoses or learning profiles (autism, emotional difficulties, ADHD, and English or French second language learners) are not automatically eligible unless they also have a visual, physical, or learning-based reading disability as attested to by a Resource/Special Education Teacher, Psychologist, Occupational Therapist or Speech Language Pathologist.

Please see our info pamphlet for more information on how to access these services for eligible elementary, secondary and adult education students.

CELA and Bookshare’s Educator Access Program for EMSB